Saturday, June 03, 2006


i just wanted to quickly write to say i am doing a big happy dance! today i am officially freeeeeeeeeeeee!

i am done with child care...i feel like i just graduated! just thought i'd let you all know!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

oh what a day

i am sitting here at the computer waiting for my ibuprofen to kick in to extinguish this headache that is rapidly nearing migraine level...or at least that's what my slightly nauseated stomach is currently telling me. i was desperately seeking some "out" for me for the moment and i remembered my long forgotten blog!

hopefully it will serve the same sense of release for me as it has in the past.

PHEW! it has been a day and oh what a day it has been,....and it's just now half past noon! i just sat the kids down for lunch which thankfully, silenced the insanity i was experiencing. the 2 older kids were running around and screaming in a playful manner, while the 2 younger ones were screaming rather unhappily. one was totally irrational...she didn't even know what way was up, she was that tired. the other one was being her normal cranky bullying self and i'm sure she wanted something someone else had and she was LOUDLY expressing her disapproval. this with my headache and the stress that i'm was just too much for me. i looked down at my shirt to make sure i didn't get anything on it from the sandwiches i just made and noticed that i'm wearing a superman shirt i had just bought. how ironic! i'm really not feeling so "super" today. sometimes it would be nice to have superpowers....just every once in a today! *smile*

i am really looking forward to the summer. i am currently providing child care for 2 families, but in about 3 days for one family and a few days longer for the other, i will be done! i really enjoy the fact that i can bring in a little extra income into my home and the kids that i watch are great...but i'm ready to be just a mommy to my children and have the freedom to go to appointments and run errands and set play dates for my kids.

oops! kids are finishing their lunch and thus ends my free time!

Thursday, September 15, 2005


i am currently reading the book Sunshine by Elaine Cannon. i have had the book for years...and have tried to read it on numerous occasions. i guess i was never in the right frame of mind (or something?) because i don't even think i ever made it through the second chapter. i find that very disappointing now. i absolutely LOVE this book. i cannot even explain it. ah, so i won't try or else i'd sit here staring blankly at the screen too long and not getting anywhere! *smile*

but the chapter i just got done reading was called "There is music in my soul today" ( the book is pretty much based on the hymn "There is Sunshine in My Soul Today") this chapter especially spoke to me. music is something very special to me and always has. i grew up in a very musically inclined family...including both my mother and father. and i want to specifically thank them for encouraging music in our home. (even though we have been accused of spontaneously bursting forth into song like a musical..and DOES happen ) i LOVE it! do you have any idea of the POWER of music??! i sure do. what can change a mood faster than a song...for the good or bad. it can change the whole atmosphere. i mean think of it...imagine a suspenseful, scary movie....say there was someone in a dark house that was dangerous and the owner of the house senses the intruder's presence and is terrified...what type of music do you think you would hear?? of course it would be the same type of suspenseful spine tingling music that you would what would happen if suddenly you heard say, circus type would kinda kill the mood don't you think?! *chuckle* that would be amusing wouldn't it??

so where am i going with this?? well i'm just saying music OBVIOUSLY has an effect on things. yeah, and i always knew that. i know how important it is to listen to good, uplifting music too. especially with young, impressionable children around. before i had kids i would avoid "bad" music...but now, i'm a lot more AWARE of the music i listen to and what is in it and what's said. children pick up on things you don't think they are even paying attention to. i have a Josh Groban cd that i absolutely love and i like to listen to it when i drive. well one day our little family was all in the car that i mainly drive and my cd was in the cd player. my husband started flipping through the songs looking for one in particular. as he was flipping through i was trying to help him by telling him what songs they were. he got to #12 and the music started and i said "oh, that's 'You Raise Me Up'". and suddenly my daughter who was just 2 at the time started belting some of the words to the song. "you raaaaise meee uuuuup...". i about fell over! i mean i do listen to it often enough...but she sings with the radio and never showed any interest in that particular song...and yet, she did indeed in fact know the words and the tune. it really made me stop and think about what we listen i'm not saying there is anything wrong with that song...not at all! but i do enjoy popular music too.....i guess i need to be more careful huh? i don't even want to imagine her repeating some of the filthy, profane, and suggestive lyrics that are sung so thoughtlessly by many of the most popular people in the music industry.
(no, i do not listen to those songs but i do know of them)

yes, there are good songs out there that are clean...and popular today! i'm not saying there's not! but this is all i'm gonna say on the matter!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


i am sitting here right now in front of my computer in a rather
thoughtful state of mind. it has hit me hard how that perception is
reality and that attitude can make all the difference. as i was cleaning
up after the kids' lunch i suddenly became very aware of how blessed i
am...not to say i'm not grateful all the time for my's
just one of those times that you seem keenly aware of everything that has
been placed in your life and how grateful you are because of it. it's
funny how the simplest things can spur such an introspection.

i wish i had a better attitude all the time. *grin* and know my husband
wishes the same. i love you honey! you do deserve it too! :) i was
wiping the table down from the crumbs and sauce from the raviolli that was
consumed there just minutes before. i was frustrated. i was frustrated
that there was such a mess that i had to clean up because the kids
thought it was much more fun to crumble their biscuits all over the place
instead of eating them. i was frustrated at the fact that it took so
long for the kids to eat because they like to goof around which keeps
them from finishing their they can't take a nap as
quickly...which ultimately cuts into my "me" time. i was just grumpy.

then sweet little bekah comes wiggling across the floor to enjoy the
spoils of lunch that i was quickly trying to sweep up. as i work my way
back to the pile she was feasting on , she looked up at me with biscuit
crumbs clenched in both fists and crinkled her nose and gives me her
impish toothy grin. i just melted and everything was just fine.

i can go on and on about everything...but i won't.

it;s just that i realized how fast everything goes. how it seems like
just yesterday her older sister was the one finding every miniscule piece
of whatever on the floor to devour. now she is quite the big girl. i
love both my sweet little daughters to pieces!

i wish you all all the blessings in life you need! may your day be a
happy one!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

rival seasons??

Isn’t it funny, the things that go round in round in your head…even when you aren’t giving them conscious thought? Today I have had Tim Mcgraw and Nelley’s song “It’s all in My Head” in my head. Weird…it’s been a while since I’ve heard it. It’s a good thing I like it eh? Man, it’s going around over and over again, over and over again, cuz it’s all in my head…OKAY enough of it! *goofy grin*

Ah! It is such a beautiful day today! I think fall just made it’s entrance unexpectantly. Just last week we were having typical summer weather, then here we are! This morning when I got up it was 71 degrees in the house! NICE! I even started to get the kids’ warm pajamas out.

Is it just me, or can anyone else smell the different seasons? No, I’m not talking about the inside smells…like cinnamon and other baking scents in the wintertime. I’m talking about the air. I LOVE the smells of the different seasons. I can’t really describe them…they just smell good! I think autumn and winter are neck and neck for being my favorites. Does anyone even know what I’m talking about?

Monday, September 12, 2005

one of those days

ever have one of those days?? not a bad day, not remarkably great...a little bit of both i guess, but at the end of the day you are left so emotionally drained. blah!

that's today! it was great in the fact that i might have picked up 3 more "clients" today. (those who know what i do will be entertained by their label)HOORAY!! we shall see in a few weeks...i'm pretty sure it will happen. what an answer to prayers! :) it's been frustrating in the fact that my poor Bekah has done nothing but cry today....poor thing, i thought she would be one big bruise today! not to mention having to deal with that and having to schedule/reschedule dr's appointments and such without sounding like a neglectful parent with a screaming child in the background. setting all those appointments was hard enough and trying to figure out my schedule...and what days i have off....fall break is coming up, but that doesn't mean I'M necessarily off. what a pain! but it's all figured out (for the moment, anyway) and appointments set. i never realized how hard it is to mesh multiple schedules to fit MY free time!

ah, that's nothing new to most of you, i suppose!

another thing that got me worked up, was the fact that i tried to view my blog by just typing in the web address, but the page that popped up kept telling me that space was still available! that really frustrated me! after all the time it took me to FIND an address that suited me it tells me it's not there??!! no way! then after i calmed down and tried again...i realize i was typing in the wrong webspace...not blogspot. WOOOPS!! silly me!

i think i'm gonna really like this blog thing! i can tell it can be rather therapeutic!



do you have any idea how hard it is to come up with a fitting web address for this place?!!

i set up a blogsite last night but to my utter horror, this morning i discovered i had misspelled a word in the address it was set up in. how embarrassing!! i promptly deleted it and started anew!

...and here we are....and here we go!